Title: Hide the Tears, Never Mind Your Fears
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Ships: Toshiko Sato, mentions of Gwen/Owen and one sided Tosh/Owen
Prompt: # 15 Affair
Word Count: 315
Rating: PG, I think
Summary: Tosh reflects on how she feels when she discovers that Gwen and Owen are together. Needless to say, angst ensues.
Author's Notes: My first prompt I've done off my table off my table. I’m kinda nervous to post. Let me know what you think of it; con-crit is welcome. Takes place during “Greeks Bearing Gifts.” If someone could tell me how to link this fic on my table, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
It really shouldn’t have felt like this, Tosh knew.
It shouldn’t have felt like her stomach was rebelling and her mind was reeling and the already shattered pieces of her heart were, somehow, breaking into even smaller pieces.
But it did.
Toshiko had started to like the new girl, Gwen. Gwen was normal; Gwen had not seen any true horrors yet. But as soon as she heard Gwen and Owen’s thoughts, Tosh knew what she had suspected: Gwen and Owen had hooked up, never mind that Gwen had a boyfriend, or that Owen was… Well, there was no reason why Owen couldn’t hook up with anyone; Tosh just thought that there should have been. Her.
Tosh knew that she had no real claim on Owen. Owen had never, ever even pretended to be interested in her. So why did she feel like Owen was cheating on her?
You can’t be cheated on by a man you never even had. Maybe she felt more betrayed by Gwen?
Tosh had been tired of being the only female around for so long. Suzie was great, but she was twisted in a way that terrified Tosh. She knew that if she survived long enough, she would become like Suzie. Tosh would rather be dead.
But Gwen was different from Suzie. She was untarnished by Torchwood, and, quite possibly, could have been Tosh’s first “girlfriend,” at least in the platonic sense. Tosh had even confided in her about her feelings for Owen.
Look how that turned out she thought bitterly.
She had no right to feel like this; Toshiko knew that well. So she wouldn’t let them see. She composed her face into its regular, neutral-but-not-too-neutral look and set about her day.
When Toshiko returned home that night, she didn’t cry until she turned out the bedroom light. She had no make sure that no one could see her tears.
Done for