DW Fic: skydiving (1/1)

Aug 11, 2010 12:42

Title: skydiving
Author: lizzledpink 
Rating: G
Characters: Jack, Rose
Summary: "The last time I tried this, I was mortal," Jack says. A 100 word drabble.

“The last time I tried this, I was mortal,” Jack says.

A hand slips into his. This time he manages to keep from wincing in response. His immediate response isn’t to think that he doesn’t deserve it, or that this hand belongs to somebody else, not him.


She knows where his thoughts are. Just briefly, they are both on a yellow planet at the edge of the galaxy, standing atop a cliff, jumping. With him.

Rose meets his eyes.

“So was I.”

They leap out of the plane, into the sky. They are two, not three. Still, they fall.

character: jack harkness, drabbles, character: rose tyler, fanfiction, pairing: jack/rose, fandom: doctor who, rating: g

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