Writing Chat Thingy - Ficlet Spam!

Jan 21, 2011 22:05

There's one from pretty much every fandom! I have no idea how that happened but hopefully there's something here to make everybody happy! :)

[Prompt] - Title - Fandom - Pairing - Rating/Warnings

[avenues of escape] - Bliss - Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock/John pre-slash-y - drug use

[a beautiful evening, spoiled] - Treasured Memories - White Collar - pre-N/P/E, past Neal/Kate - slight spoilers for "Burke's Seven"

[write about lunch] - Deliberations - The Misfits - Kelly/Nathan - S1 spoiler, rated R-ish for Nathan

[someone gave you flowers] - Her Favourites - Doctor Who - Donna - character death

[on the other side] - Unspoken (Unseen) - Harry Potter - Remus/Severus - idiocy

[too soon to tell] - Uncertainty - Torchwood - Gwen/Rhys - PG-13 for language

( Originally posted at http://lizzledpink.dreamwidth.org/17154.html )

fandom: white collar, fandom: torchwood, fandom: doctor who, fandom: the misfits, fandom: sherlock

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