Title: Learning the Waltz
lizzledpink Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Neal/Peter/El
Summary: All the kisses are so different.
A/N: 1. I need a White Collar icon. 2. More importantly, yes, I'm cheating on Torchwood. Blame Sam. Again. Expect me to cheat on Torchwood with White Collar again, but don't worry, I have more Torchwood to post as well (as soon as I can be bothered to type it up... It's handwritten, okay? :D) 3. This is technically my second WC fic, but I'm counting it as my first, because when I wrote
this, I hadn't actually seen White Collar yet. I love being me.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I make no money for this, etc.
Beta: None. I don't know if you've noticed by now; I don't have the patience to wait for a beta half the time... If you spot anything LET ME KNOW and I will give you an imaginary gold star and put your name here forevermore.
All the kisses are so different.
Between Elizabeth and Peter, it’s as it’s always been. Familiar, normal, but no less loving, and sometimes just a little bit tricky, because they know each other’s every like and move and thought. It’s a choreographed dance, give and take at the right cues, and perfect in its own solid way. Marriage, and commitment, and love that has endured years and hardships. Simple, honest, domestic, right, and desirable in every imaginable way. What Neal never thinks he can have.
Between Elizabeth and Neal, this is the sweet blossoming of new love. They fumble, here and there, because they are still learning. Sometimes Neal surprises a squeak out of her with something Peter would never dare; other times Elizabeth makes Neal moan unexpectedly because she’s done one of her little inexplicable things. Neal treats her gently, because she is worth his reverence, and Elizabeth treats him like a treat, like ice cream on a Wednesday afternoon, exciting, refreshing, and the tiniest bit childish. They flirt with the flutter of an eye and convey a soul-wrenching sonnet with the brush of a single finger. It’s new, it’s sweet. Loving, beautiful, honest, a perpetual honeymoon phase, blissful dating and the language of romance. What Peter thinks he can never quite manage to do.
Between Peter and Neal, things are fierce. They’ve been flirting nearly as long as they’ve known about each other, although neither even realized it until the past few weeks. There’s always been a coiled up spring between them, and before, they took it out in the form of cryptic notes and near-misses, followed by birthday cards, followed by generally getting on nerves, testing limits, and being hilariously, obliviously possessive. Their kisses show that - each takes what he wants. Neal’s grip is not soft; sometimes it leaves bruises, and Peter knows that he is causing Neal some lasting pain when he bites down on his lower lip, but Neal moans anyway. It’s the fierce release from tension of over seven years’ foreplay. It’s wild, out of control, male, vicious, erotic, and utterly maddening in the very best way. What Elizabeth doesn’t possess or understand.
They are a triple of couples, as any relationship of three must also be. They have an extra dynamic to track, and an extra person to watch and fight for and fight against and make love to after a long and difficult day. But it works. They make it work.
Elizabeth watches them kiss and wants to drag them over to the bed, because if they don’t move, she’ll soak her underwear through. Again. They are hot on their own, but she loves them, which arouses her on a completely new level. So she does, because she’s perfectly allowed to, and is a little bit wicked. Other times, she just watches. Elizabeth is a voyeur. Peter gets an adorable, embarrassed flush; Neal laughs and invites her in for the next round, and wow, she thinks, because she is just that lucky.
Neal watches them kiss and smiles that smile that makes everybody smile, because he no longer feels excluded - Peter’s hand is lightly grasping his wrist, and Elizabeth leans against him when her knees begin to wobble. Even if they don’t, he’s still there. He can have them, any time he likes. He can have a place and people that are home, and it feels more wonderful than he can say in words, so he smiles.
Peter watches them kiss, and realizes he made this. He chased Elizabeth, and caught her, and then chased Neal, who was even more of a challenge in some ways and so very easy in others, and then he caught him. Three times, maybe four. He’s lost count. But he caught them both, and every time they kiss, he sees them and falls in love all over again. He’s not as good at the whole romance thing as they are, but he brought them together to be all romantic and understanding for him. He’ll keep trying, of course, but mostly he can bask in the light of the two people he loves, and know they have fallen in love with each other as well, in the same sweet forever way that's so hard to find. Everything is right. Not perfect, but that’s why he likes it. It’s right.
(And the sex is fantastic.)
( Originally posted at
http://lizzledpink.dreamwidth.org/12051.html )