-- Name: Liz
-- Birth date: 10-09
-- Birthplace: bev.
-- Current Location: my house
-- Eye Color: dark brown
-- Hair Color: dark brown
-- Height: 5'4"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Libra
-- Your heritage: Portugese
-- The shoes you wore today: um none yet, but it will be my Roxy FlipFlops
-- Your weakness: cookies and ice
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-- Name: magggggie
-- Birth date: 2/25
-- Eye Color: green or hazel... depending on the mood i guess
-- Hair Color: brownish blondish but more brownish (brunettes have more fun)
-- Height: 5'4"
-- Righty or Lefty: lefty
-- Zodiac Sign: pisces
-- Your heritage: extreme mutt (and 1/16 black baby!)
-- The shoes you wore today: my adidas flip flops that i wore to dispatch
-- Your weakness: oh there are many
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: be happy and make everyone i care about happy
-- Your most overused phrase on aol: i dunno?
-- Your thoughts first waking up: this morning??? ummm "wtf why's my cell ringing? i hate jeff!" and... "wow i'm glad i'm not hung over"
-- Your bedtime: 1-3 am
-- Your most missed memory: hmm well i totally miss bash'm but i'm sure there are other things i miss more... maybe austria
-- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi... unless it's a rum and coke.
-- Adidas or Nike: adidas baby!!
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: raspberry nestea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
-- Swear: not a lot
-- Sing: haha hell yes every chance i get
-- Take a shower everyday: fo sho
-- Have a crush(es): yep :-)
-- Do you think you've been in love?: it's possible
-- Are you seeing someone now?: not really but i'm tryina be good and persue something
-- Like(d) high school: ya besides the whole waking up early thing
-- Want to get married: most definately
-- Believe in yourself: usually, for the most part
-- Get motion sickness: sometimes when i go home and lie down and get the spins i do... but then i just watch tv for a while and the world usually stays still
-- Think you're a health freak: sometimes... other times i chow down like nobody's business
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: no.... ... ya
-- Smoked: smoked what?
-- Done a drug: is weed a drug?
-- Had Sex: :'( touchy subject... i'm having withdrawls
-- Gone on a date: negative
-- Gone to the mall?: ya with all the money i don't have
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not a big oreo fan
-- Eaten sushi: hell yes
-- Been on stage: well on picture day they took pictures on the auditorium stage so technically ya
-- Been dumped: na
-- Made homemade cookies: me and ariel made cupcakes and they were the shit
-- Gone skinny dipping: haha shit many times
-- Dyed your hair: i'm all natural
-- Stolen anything: nothing besides booz
-- Played a game that required the removal of clothing? haha obviously
-- If so, was it mixed company?: as in boys and girls? ya usually it's all guys or guys and girls... i don't usually like to get naked with a bunch of chicks
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: guess
-- Been called a tease: ya but i'm def not
-- Gotten beaten up: i'm a lover not a fighter
-- Shoplifted: i used to way back when i was like 12
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no way that's queer
~ Age you hope to be married: whenever it feels right?
~ Numbers and Names of Children: lol i want 5
~ How do you want to die?: i'm not going to die
~ What do you want to be when you grow up?: a writer
~ Where would you most like to visit?: somewhere different
for opposite sex
~ Best eye color: doesn't matter
~ Best hair color: doesn't matter
~ Short or long hair: doesn't matter, just not too long
~ Height: taller than me
~ Best articles of clothing: lol ok men in shirts and ties (no jackets) are hott... and so are firemen... so if my man's got a fireman's outfit lyin around that'd be mint
~ Best first date location: anywhere we can have fun
~ Number of drugs taken illegally: none besides all that heroine and coke i do... ew jk
~ Number of people I could trust with my life: anyone
~ Number of CDs that I own: like a thousand lol i have no clue
~ Number of piercings: 3.. but spittle says she'll do another one for me
~ Number of things in my past that I regret: there's no use in regretting anything b/c there's nothing you can do about it now... so i just learn from any mistakes i've made and try not to repeat them. experience is the best teacher ;-)
lizzzmmmmm call me we need to chill out before the end of the summer!!
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