Stone Cold Perfection 4/4 (Final Chp)

Oct 06, 2012 00:40

Title: Stone Cold Perfection
Pairing: Wonkyu
Rating: PG-13 (angst, swearing, mild violence~)
Genre: College!AU, angst, sci-fi, art~
Summary: Kyuhyun is finishing his final project before he can graduate art school. He has to create an extremely detailed sculpture from marble. What he doesn't know is that his work will result in something special.

a/n: final chapter... it's a bit shorter than others, but it needs to be.

May 22. Senior Gala Night.

The night had arrived.

Kyuhyun was standing next to Zhou Mi, watching people mix and mingle, gushing over the art in the gala space that the seniors had worked so hard on.

Many had come up to Kyuhyun and complimented him on his sculpture, and he can't say he was totally surprised.

Again, Kyuhyun knew he was good.

This was just a nice reminder.

A really...really nice reminder.

Exactly what he needed, to be honest.

"You happy with how this turned out, Guixien," Zhou Mi asked with a swig of his drink. He set the empty glass on a passing waiter's tray and wrapped an arm around Kyuhyun's shoulder.

Kyuhyun smiled and shook his head.

"Yeah. I think I am. It turned out better than I imagined. And everyone seems to like it enough to donate. So now I won't be paying back the art department for the next 20 years for all the studio damages."

"They should really come to expect things like that when they let in young, brooding artists with mallets and chisels. I mean really. Did they expect you to not go insane at some point?"

Kyuhyun laughed.

He'd almost forgotten what it was like to laugh.

He remembered though when he finished his sculpture.

It was the happiest he'd been in months.

He made his last cut into the smile of the figure and put his hands at his sides.

He took in the moment for all it was worth. Every hour, minute, second spent chiseling, chipping the marble, it had all resulted in this moment.


Choi Siwon was his ideal man, and he had made him come to life through his own hands and their work.

There were really no words for how he felt in that moment.


The jolt of a pat on the back brought him back to the Gala.

They had announced that he won the competition and Zhou Mi was patting his back for him to go up and accept his award.

An award that came in the form of a small plaque and a check for $5,000.

He smiled, hugged Zhou Mi, and walked up to the stage.

The dean of the Arts College handed him his awards and left him to make a small speech.

Kyuhyun took a deep breath.

This was his moment.

"When I first started this project, I was struggling to find some form of inspiration. I tried and tried for weeks. Nothing seemed to click. One night though, I turned my music on shuffle, and lo and behold a classical piece came up. Now, I know. Classical music. Not really the most inspirational, but it wasn't the piece that inspired me, to be honest. It was what the piece meant. What went into the piece. The era. The idea of looking back, and forward.

I went with a sculpture much in the form of an homage to the Hellenistic sculptors who I admire. I had no other choice really. I started sketching and sketching, and I had planned out the perfect sculpture. Unfortunately, the process didn't go smoothly either. Many a chair and window were broken, and I spent a lot of time by myself, but because of this statue now, I never have to be alone again. Not because the statue will be there with me, but because I've made so many connections here at school and with the art circles in the city.

Art connects people.

It's a beautiful thing.

And for as lonely as many artists are when they work, they are that much more connected when they take a step back and look at those around them who are there to support them and love them, no matter what. Even if they throw a mallet at them.

Loneliness is not a permanent thing.

It never is.

No man is an island. And this is never more evident than in the art world and my own experiences. This is why Choi Siwon's face contains a warm smile. It's a reminder that whoever looks at the sculpture is loved, by someone out there. Even if they don't know the person yet.

You are never alone.

Someone will always be there to remind you they love you and smile for you.

...........Don't ever forget to smile. and remember, someone loves you."

Kyuhyun wiped away the small tears welling up in his eyes and said thank you to the crowd once again before smiling for some cameras. At this point, Jonghyun, Minho, Changmin, and Zhou Mi all jumped up on the stage and posed with Kyuhyun, all in a row.

It was like a Kyu-line of friends, so to speak.

"Now we can stay friends since you won," Minho jabbed, smiling creepily at Kyuhyun.

"You never quit, do you," Kyuhyun replied through a smile, still facing the cameras.

"I love you too, Kyuhyunnie."
Minho pulled him in tighter and they all continued to smile for the cameras in front of them.

Every single person in the room was smiling after that speech, even if they didn't know why.

It was a marvelous sight.

Kyuhyun stepped down from the stage and returned to his sculpture, looking up at Choi Siwon's face and smiling to himself.

It just had that effect on people. It was impossible to frown after seeing the sculpture. Absolutely impossible.

Choi Siwon just bred happiness, comfort, and serenity.

It was amazing what art could do.

By the end of the night, around 2am, Kyuhyun had received a couple of commission offers from various buyers looking to take advantage of him while his spirit was still young and vivacious, not yet tired of sculpting, still hungry for perfection.

He was more than honored to have the commissions. Truly. He was a little surprised at the amount of interest taken in his work, but he accepted it heartily.

He fucking deserved it.


Around 2:30am he ended up back in the studio, where his sculpture would be housed until two days from now when it would be moved to his apartment.

Siwon sat 3 feet away or so from him.

Well, stood 3 feet away from him, on his base.

The base which had inscribed in it Kyuhyun's name, "Choi Siwon", and the date Kyuhyun finished the sculpture.


Kyuhyun sat at the table he first sat at, attempting to find inspiration for his project.

He remembered back to all the tears, all the rage, all the loneliness he felt.

The utter totality of loneliness consumed him in the worst of ways, and even remembering it pained him.

He hadn't lied during his speech.

Art does wonderful things in how it connects people.

Whether it be through movies, paintings, sculptures, literature, architecture, music...

Art brings people together.

Sometimes for a moment, and other times for life.

He looked up again at Siwon.

Another smile resulted, along with the warm feeling of content to match the spring weather finally coming into season.

It wasn't a suicide note, if that's what anyone was thinking, but Kyuhyun needed to write it all out.

Every single feeling he had felt to that point during this experience, the majority of which were negative.

His notes in his journal tended to be on the negative side, but this was better than keeping them inside his mind.

He flipped through the "I'd be better off dead"s and "I wish I could just disappear"s, even the "no one would miss me if i just died"s.

He knew these weren't really him but that little voice in the back of his head that popped up a little too often when he felt like nothing was working.

That was how he dealt with it.

He watched the pages flip and flip and noticed that tears started to fall onto his pages.

His own tears.

He continued til he found one of his most recent pages.

It was dated May 15th.

It read...

"Happy Birthday, Choi Siwon. You're complete now. If only you were real, then everything would be perfect, but this is close enough for now. I appreciate you and everything you've given me in this process. Remember, I love you. <3 Cho Kyuhyun"

As stupid and fucking cheesy as it was, he thought it was the cutest thing he'd ever done in his life.

He shook his head and opened to the next blank page and began to write.

"May 22nd," he spoke aloud, "A well deserved win for a perfect creation. Nothing could be better. I owe you everything, Siwonnie. I'll keep working to make you proud. Remember, I love you."

As he said the last phrase, he felt total happiness as he clearly heard Siwon's voice utter the phrase in perfect time with his...........

in his mind....................................................


Then, Kyuhyun decided to relax back into a pair of hands as they massaged his shoulders...................................

Perfect hands...

"Relax, Kyuhyunnie. You've worked so hard. I'm happy to be here with you. I can't imagine being anywhere else. You are everything to me. I don't need anything else. You say you owe me everything, but it's me who owes you everything. You made me. It's nice to see you smile. Your smile is perfect. I hope you keep smiling. I'll do whatever I can to keep you smiling and happy because you deserve it. You absolutely deserve to be happy. I just want to tell you one things though. One thing to always keep in mind....

Remember, I love you."


kyu, cho kyuhyun, choi siwon, wonkyu, shisus, super junior, kyuhyun, siwon

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