And he's supposed to be my friend?
Rob: Are you going to keep acting like you don't like me anymore?
Lizet: because I don't talk to you doesn't mean I don't like you
Rob: yeah it does.. to me
Lizet: well I'm sorry. I just don't feel like talking. I haven't talked to anyone online in like a week
Rob: you not going to kill yourself are you?
Lizet: hell no. I'm just trying to get my emotional life sorted out
Rob: why can't you just pimp-it? Stop woring or looking for love.. It will come when you stop trying
Lizet: one I don't whore anything. two I'm not looking for love, just maybe an ounce of respect. my emotions are more complex than love and sex
Rob: Alright don't be a whore.. Lizet I'm not going to try and talk with you if you don't try and want to talk to me..
Lizet: okay, then let me get through whatever it is I need to get through in peace. and if it's still okay to talk to each other then great.
I should have went off on him when he said that I should stop know what. I am. I'm going to send him an e-mail and be done with it. It's not my nature to be a "pimp" or whatever it is that's the cool thing to do. I could care less about what's cool and what's not cool. I'm me. people either like that, or they don't. Either way, I'm still going to be me and no one is going to stop or change me from being me.
There are VERY FEW people who I've chatted with this week and an even fewer amount of them have been guys. If my "friends" can't handle that...can't handle that sometimes I'm an emotional wreck and need to get my shit together without bringing them into it, then good bye to them.