Apr 10, 2003 23:14
Back from a happy hour with coworkers that went long beyond happy hour. It was fun. I'm happy.
There was a support the troops rally at the WTC site today. It made me happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because I think the troops need to see these sort of rallies. Sad because in my mind what happened here and what is happening there is forever tied together. Anyway, don't want to stray into politics. It's just something that moved me.
I brought marmite back from London. Everyone says you either love it or hate it. I just sort of like it, but am not in love. At first, it was like Yikes! Mostly because it is very very salty tasting (to me, at least). But you get over that really quickly. Actually, it has a sort of meaty flavor, or what I remember of meat (it has been 10 years since I had meat you know). But it seems to be rich in vitamin B12, which a wannabe vegan needs, so I think I'll keep it around.
I gave blood again. They have me on their list, and now call me like clockwork every time I am eligible to donate again. They were super nice to me now that they are starting to recognize me. The guy tried to warn me that I would be in pain as my veins are very small apparently, but I just rolled my eyes. I've given blood dozens of times. The finger prick hurts more. Although, there seems to be more evidence that I'm a vampire. My blood pressure is only 90/60 (that seems low to me, right?), my pulse is only about 60 and my temp is usually 97ish. More than you ever wanted to know about me, but I don't know. I seem almost dead. I guess it explains why I'm always cold. :)
I don't like the cute Irish boy anymore. I mean, he's still nice and I am still his friend, but the crushy thing is over (he is blonde with grey eyes...who does that remind you of?). Dave can breathe easy. ^_~
I'm so glad CoS is coming out. I am in the mood for Harry stuff. And Ginny stuff. And Ginny hanging around Harry's waist stuff. And I am so glad for the Book 5 spoilers. Actually, that's not accurate. They're not spoilers, really. Don't know what the fuss is about. They're just teasers. As in I want more. Now.
That's all for now.