Jun 21, 2004 21:35
Tour this year was excellent - my best yet, though for different reasons. Thinking about it, I wasn't so enthralled because the spiritualality of it was so fresh or because of the bonding with other people, as had been a lot of the reasons in past Tours. It was just that I really felt like God was teaching me a lot. A lot. I have never learned so much about myself and my faith in such a short time. There are a lot of changes I'm going to make in my life because of it.
Speaking of changes, I may as well explain some of them now. I'm not going to be using my computer very much this summer - I am going to go off AIM completely, I believe, and I don't want to LJ much either. I'll check email every few days or so, but if you have anything you want me to know within a week, just call my dang cell phone and leave me a message! Or call my house... nobody calls my house anymore, just my cell, and it's a little strange - you can always call my house before 9 p.m., and my parents aren't that scary.
Anyway, so the goals are to work and make some money. Read my Bible every day. Pray continually. Get tan. Exercise and get fit. PLay intense amounts of poker. Do a lot of stuff for my mom. Learn to be responsible. Learn to manage money. Learn to make sacrifices.
I opened a checking account today.
Anyway, back to Tour - Squaw Valley was the most beautiful place, and day, I've ever experienced. I talked to a homeless man who gave his life to Christ. I found meaning for my life.
Yeah, it was a pretty good week. (and yeah, that was sarcastic understatement)
It is good to be back home... I want to see all my friends.