Oct 14, 2006 00:52
Today was needed. Ahhh, I was sleep deprived all week. At about 5 or so, apparently Cigular was being stupid, and Paul randomly showed up. I was sleeping and I hear my mom say something and open my door and Paul walks in. Huh. O_o. Anyway. We then proceeded to go to Aaron's house where Moho was waiting for us. We stayed there for about 45 minutes or so and Moho and I fought over a staple remover. Then, Jake Rubenstein showed up. We all sat on and in the pwn boat for about 10 minutes outside of Teefeeree's house. So by this point we had Tiffany, Aaron, Paul, Moho, Jake, and me and we were on our way to pick Super up. HAH, PAUL, I TOLD YOU IT WAS LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT! We all ate at Thai Bite and we couldn't understand the waitress for the life of us. >D.
Our meal consisted of talking about Spanish, racism, and all-around lewd conduct. What's new? Oh.. and Aaron making a fool of himself. Aaron: "I made a point of NOT bringing any hundies this time. *whips out wallet, pulls out money, and first bill on top is a hundie* ..cricketcricket.." Everybody else: "..cricketcricket... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! *die of laughter*" Pwned.
Oh yeah. And I was staring at the door and this big, round black guy walks in. The second he opened the door a car alarm went off and he made the most priceless face ever which consisted of squinting and one hand balled in a fist over his ear. Lmfao I started cracking up. I couldn't help it. Jake caught on and started laughing his ass off too. Eventually, everybody caught on. I'm sorry, but the black guy walks past a car and the alarm goes off.. I had to laugh.
Woot, after this, we all drove down to Laguna to a private little beach, and in the process making a few loops due to Aaron's impeccable direction skills. We finally got there and it was gorgeous. We all stood/sat around on the beach and watched the lightning off in the distance, which might I add, was an amazing sight. It lit up the clouds like crazy. So pretty much tonight kicked ass. We need to do it again. Soon. Very soon. [:
[sorry for my lack of enthusiasm and crappy choice of vocab.. im so tired.]