Mar 13, 2006 19:52
arrrrgh, i've never felt so rough the morning after a gig.... blergggh.
K, got to the gig quickly enough. Saw Fisher and Liam who'd been waiting there since 2 o'clock and they were only 20 people in front of us as well. They never saw Kele.... or anyone from Bloc Party. Think they were pissed off about that. Met up with Dave, Johnny and Tasha before getting to the Waterfront. It was fucking freeeezing. Fisher gave us our tickets and we waited...
We all tried getting really pumped by punching each other., warmed us up a treat!
THEN, we got into the venue, weren't really waiting for long. We were quite early. Dumped our stuff behind the barrier and me and Dave tried to get served... we didn't get served. I nearly did.... then i didn't. She was new bless 'er, she even forgot to give me my 4 pound change for my Coke she was that nervous.
Kino were the support act and they were really cool, they were very scene (girl's drain pipes and everything). Lead singer had this look about him, when he wasn't singing he liked to punch himself in the head to the beat of the music. They got the crowd going i think. Feet tapping and all (can you tell that i'm HATING doing this?)
Kino threw a t-shirt out in the crowd which Johnny caught. He was well chuffed, even MORE chuffed when he found out it was size 11-12. He better wear that on Monday, it looked so fit.
Fisher and Liam managed to position themselves front row, this poor girl who was like, tiny, was stuck behind Fisher. She couldn't see a thing. Indie kids are twats by he way.
Dave, Fisher, Johnny and Liam saw a roady that ooked REEEALLY like Ben. So they kept calling him and asking him to come onstage. After a while he was really reluctant to come onstage.
All through the Kino set i could see Kele looking on behind all this stuff backstage, i was CREAMING myself. I get star struck really easily, i remember seeing a presenter from Blue Peter in London once and i nearly pissed myself... sad i know. But i can't help it! To be fair the whole crowd were pretty excited about seeing Kele. I was getting really pissed off that some people were shouting "i love you Kele, You're a complete legend, i want your children". It just reminded me of all these Pete Doherty fans that go around with his T-Shirts chanting "PETE" all the fucking time. Made me sick. It was Russel's birthday tho, he played a song with Kino and then went off stage again. We sang happy birthday and everything.
There was a wait for Bloc Party to come on. They had a little glockenspiel that was exactly like the ones we used in middle school. Got me and Tash exited. I have a really bad memory... i can't remember that first song they played was a new one that was AWSOME. As soon as they started playing i was like, this is why i love Bloc Party ( i never said it out loud tho). It was a great song, got everyone exited. Then after all that tension/build up, they broke into Positive Tension. At this point i was going mental, but i couldn't really move, the other guys seemed to be able to cope, but me and Tash had to walk nearer to the back. Whilst at the back they played loads of other good shit that was new. All their new stuff was sooo awesome. Just as razor sharp (as in like, their riffs and their energy (i'm crap at explaining this)) It's all more electro orientated. I mean, it's not like really dominant, but there’s definitely some Kraftwork inspiration. Really eyrie stuff, they created such a cool atmosphere. The crowd was PUMPED. Some of the girls there was really bitchy, not letting me go mental, after a while i got really conscious of them, but as time went on i just thought, fuck it, and did whatever the fuck i liked (because I'm fuck like that)
They played the great ones [helicopter, Banquet, Blue Light, Positive Tension] to keep the crowd happy, it was just an experimental tour so it was all really new. Throughout the set Kele had a huge grin on his face. It was really cool, he was getting really comfortable, and something that Johnny pointed out was that how camp he was. All these camp gestures he kept making, pointing at the crowd, closing his eyes whilst singing and other camp stuff that made me love him even more.
(explanation of the gig was a bit brief but it's near on impossible to capture the amazingness of it all in writing)
The end of the gig we went to Liam’s car, they wanted me to go in the boot but I really didn’t want to so I had no other choice but to lie down and spread myself over Dave, Tasha and Johnny. Yes, that’s right Alex, I spent the whole car journey with my head in Johnny’s lap…. Much to Fisher’s amusement. Halfway through the journey we got Chinese, so I was used as a table for them, I was scared shitless that I was gonna get burnt, or they’d spill Chinese on me. I was scolded a few times but I coped. I lost my dignity that day…
Stayed at Tasha’s, ate Chinese and watched porn, it was quality. The porno was called Laberynth, one of Tasha’s brother’s. When the other guys went we talked loads and then I slept. I felt so rough in the morning! The only thing I’d brung was a toothbrush, so I was wearing the same clothes as the gig. I smelt terrible, haha.