Wow; I cannot believe it has been almost a month since I posted last. I will bullet things so I do not forget anything (hopefully.)
*American Idiot: It was good (as long as you are a Green Day fan.) Kind of reminded me a bit of Tommy, not sure why. Although, I wish there had been more story, some things were a little hard to grasp. Interesting thing; obviously some people had no idea about the content, because about 1/2 way through a bunch of people left (during a sex and drug use scene.)
*Migraine/sinus allergy headache: I had one for an entire week. Not sure if it was due to peri-menopause or allergies or what, but gym attendance really suffered. I was able to make it to yoga that week and have had good weeks since then.
*Cooking/baking: Around Easter, meat pie (really good,) rhubarb custard pie (first lattice crust.) Since then strawberries have come in season, so strawberry mousse (definitely will make again,) strawberry short cake (have frozen biscuits waiting for more strawberries,) strawberry salad (a savory favorite,) strawberry gelato (another easy favorite,) strawberry jam (now I need to make scones and clotted cream,) and a NY Times walnut bread (best looking bread to date.)
*This week heralded the beginning of our very short pea season (maybe 2 weeks,) so I have three pounds waiting to be shelled.
*We are going to see a "50 Shades..." parody musical thing on Saturday, so hopefully I will have funny stuff to report next time.
*Our mint is growing like gangbusters, so I see mojitos in my future. I picked up some thyme, golden and orange pepper plants, and Cherokee purple tomato plants that will need to go in the ground this weekend. We are not going to have a big garden, but I am looking forward to it.
That is all for now.