Yesterday was the first really springlike day we've had in a while. After a cold, wet, snowy/sleety/rainy weekend, it was most welcome. After supper, I went for a walk along the river, where the water was as high as I'd ever seen it. The moon peeked through the bare branches, where buds are starting to swell.
The woods were full of starlings and red-winged blackbirds, all singing as the sun sank into the west. It was a glorious symphony.
I saw what I thought at first was a beaver swimming in the river, but when it climbed out of the water, I saw its long narrow tail and recognized it as a muskrat.
I know there are beavers around too, because I see the evidence of their teeth on the trees.
While I was busy trying to capture the muskrat, I totally missed the great blue heron until it took off and flew away. What a gorgeous creature! One of my favorites. I'm glad to see he's back this year.
Today we're back to rain, so no forays in search of the peepers my friends have been telling me they've been hearing. Perhaps tomorrow. I crossed over the river on my way home, and it's even higher than yesterday. I'm very glad I don't live closer to it!
So I see that more people are abandoning LJ because of the new TOS. I have no immediate plans to go anywhere, and I'm sad to be losing even more folks here. I do have a mirrored Dreamwidth journal, but this is still my primary residence, for now. I'm loathe to give it up, after all the wonderful folks I've met here. I hope you don't all leave, but if you do, please let me know where I can find you elsewhere on the interwebs (if we haven't already connected).