wildlife edition

Sep 05, 2016 09:24

While walking back from the library the other day, I came across a tiny, newly-hatched snapping turtle trying to make its way over the sidewalk. As it was heading straight for the road, I picked it up and carried it over to the edge of the woods, heading toward the river.

It didn't struggle, or even move, once I picked it up. It didn't even move when I struggled, one-handed, to dig out my camera and take its portrait. It sure was cute.

If it makes it to adulthood, it will be anything but cute.

I spotted this adult snapper downriver a bit, a few weeks ago. Its shell was at least a foot across.

I know it's unlikely that my little rescue will make it to adulthood; the odds are against it. But at least it didn't end up as roadkill in front of the Elks Club.

turtles, wildlife, photos

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