Feb 11, 2015 13:47
I've been watching the birds flit about in the shrubbery out back this morning, and I managed to catch a couple with my camera. Here is a dark-eyed junco, ID'd with the Merlin app on my iphone.
I highly recommend the app; it was developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and is really easy to use. You choose the size of the bird, major colors, and where you are, and it presents you with several birds it could be. It's worked perfectly for me every time I've tried it. It's probably US only, though.
It's so nice to see the sunshine today. Too bad it's not warm enough to melt some of the tons of snow we have. We've gotten more than 70" in the past 30 days. I'm 68" tall. For you Europeans, that's 173cm. Yeah. It's getting downright dangerous to make a left-hand turn these days, with snowbanks more than ten feet high on the corners.
At least it's pretty.