crazy cat, originally uploaded by
They gave us today off, for which I'm thankful. I needed a nice, long weekend. I have so much to do before camp! Laundry, packing, making sure everything is there and works.
It's been really hot. I've been hiding out in my apartment, not wanting to go out after late morning. I got all my errands done by 10 this morning, one good side-effect of being unable to sleep late. I even did some weeding in the garden, after which I was literally dripping.
Speaking of the garden, I think I've given up on ever having sunflowers. Those doggone woodchucks ate the rest of them, even after I deployed ammonia and mothballs. I wanted to cry when I found them all nibbled down to stubs the other evening. I'm tired of providing an all-you-can-eat buffet for varmints.
It's been a stressful week. Sales were not good in June, and money was getting tight. I wasn't sure I would have the money to go to camp. Turns out I can do it, but just barely, and I will be poor for much of the summer to make up for it unless I have fantastic sales for the rest of July.
Pretty much the whole department had a bad June, which made our monthly sales meeting uncomfortable. My personal meeting with my boss and supervisor went better than I expected, though. They told me I was a good employee, and they appreciated the fact that I stay out of the gossip machine and don't stir up trouble. That was nice to hear, and I told them I appreciated them noticing. My boss rocks.
I've also been dealing with digestive issues, which stir up more anxiety, which makes them worse, in a vicious circle. Today things are much better, which is a relief. Now, if only I could sleep!
The above pic is my friends' cat Izzie, who rolled over and yawned just as I aimed my phone at him through the screen door, making him look positively manic. Silly beast.