I took down my Yule tree today. It was time. I actually wanted to do it days ago, but waited until I could do it I daylight. I get such lovely light here! Such a welcome change from the old place. The room feels so empty now! But brighter and more open, which is good.
Then I went to Wegmans for my weekly food shopping. Gods I love that place! Plus, it's a little reminder of home. I actually worked at a Wegmans when I was in high school. My treat this time was some nice ripened goat cheese (Bucheron?). It's very tasty.
Then I was a slug for the rest of the afternoon. It's been a while since I could do that! Tomorrow I will get outside, I promise.
Finalizing plans for my NYC trip. Jeez, it's only 2 weeks away! I've made a packing list, which is as brief as I can make it. I got a nice backpack on sale at Target, and I plan to take it and my little purse, and nothing else. Which is tricky in the winter, when clothing is bulkier. I'll be relying on fleece, and layers.
I've also planned with Scarlet what my tattoo will be. Yay! It's been interesting, the reactions I've been getting when I tell people I'm getting one. My family's reaction has been mostly, "Why?" But most of my friends have thought it was cool. This is a spiritual thing for me, and I'm really glad to have a witchy friend to do it. And I'm really glad Deanna is going with me to hold my hand! *g*
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