pattern and color, originally uploaded by
I got up this morning and got ready for work, just in case. I fired up the G5 and was just about to post "Just waiting to see if I can go into work today" when I got a text from the boss: come in, we're getting copy together. So I made lunch and hit the road.
I got there around eight, and they were just setting up the generator. I was happy to see Kim, as I had seen scenes from her neighborhood on the news and it wasn't good. Her house was spared, but she dropped her cell phone during the tornado and it was kaput. Hey, if that's the worst thing to happen, you're doing well.
Next came the figuring out which extension cord went where, and who needed a computer. They printed out reports, and we made sure all our ads were accounted for. I exported the classifieds, made corrections, and sent them off to Beth in production.
One of the reporters went around taking pictures for our Facebook page. We all shared storm stories, and marveled that everyone was OK.
Nobody panicked, nobody got upset, nobody complained. We did all that we could do, and were satisfied with that. There will be a paper on Monday. It will be a bit abbreviated, but I'm pretty sure everyone will be amazed we could do it at all. There are lots of businesses in the area that won't be up and running for days, maybe even weeks. The husband of one of our salespeople has an ice cream shop, and he lost all his inventory.
I left around quarter to eleven, having done everything I could. They said we should have power by tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
And then I had the rest of the day, which was a gorgeous one. I took a nice walk down to Rite Aid and Amelia Park, took a short nap, watched some Lost on video (gods I miss that show), made supper. The admin from work called to see how I was doing, which was nice of her. I updated her on everyone who was there, and what I knew from the news (she still has no power, either).
Then I went for another walk, to catch the end-of-the-day light. Gorgeous.
Hopefully things will be mostly back to normal on Monday. For now, I'm not going to worry about it. I'm still counting my blessings.