delicate, originally uploaded by
Today was just glorious. A few more like this, and I'd be happy indeed. It won't last, though.
Yesterday's ice coats the sidewalks, with liquid water beneath, bubbling up as I walk over it.
I made it all the way down to the park, despite the tricky footing. The sunshine and almost-warm breeze beckoned me forward.
Our friend the muscovy duck waited for me at the bottom of the stairs, and stood by my side as I watched the ducks, swan, and geese cavort in the pond.
His feathers are very handsome, perhaps to make up for his funny face.
I don't like that they've removed so many trees and brush, but it does afford a nice view of the meetinghouse from below.
The bars of ice outside my window have all fallen off, and more of the ice has melted. I even saw grass today, although it was due to shoveling rather than melting. Still, grass! A welcome sight.
More snow is forecast for this week, but somehow it feels as though we have turned the corner, passed the summit, and are coasting toward spring. Slowly, but surely. There is light at the end of the tunnel.