Canada lily, originally uploaded by
asakiyume tells me this is Canada lily. It's quite lovely, and reminds me a lot of trout lily, which is much smaller. It grows in some of the same places, too.
It turned out to be much more muggy than I expected today, so I was pretty wiped out after a long walk. It felt good to be moving though; I spent way too much time sitting yesterday. First at the meet & greet, which was well-attended, and we had actual magickal conversations for a change (which was the original point); then in the car, driving to Grafton to pick up
firespirit1's tent that she generously lent me for camp; and then at Conjure Cinema, where Evil Uncle Walter showed us several fun movies including the one from the original Trilogy of Terror in which Karen Black is terrorized by an evil idol. I remember watching that on TV when it was on the first time, and talking about it for days afterward. He even had a replica of the idol, which has glow-in-the-dark teeth and eyes. O_o
In addition to the tent, I also arranged a ride to & from camp (with Jim's cousin Dave), and a food plan (with Lakshmi). Go me. All I have to do now is figure out how I'm going to pay for it. I guess it really is time to sell dad's old camera, and a few other things too. *sigh*
In two weeks, I'll be there!