sad angel, originally uploaded by
Today was a much chillier day. I'm glad I got out yesterday as much as I did! I made it down to that cemetery, which was mostly uninteresting as far as taking pictures goes. It's not very old, and doesn't have a lot of statuary or interesting stones.
One interesting thing about it is that it's half Catholic and half Jewish; it's actually two cemeteries side by side, with only a partial, low fence between them. On the Jewish side, the stones were generally taller, and much closer together, with no statuary at all. The crows, for some reason, preferred the Catholic side. They were numerous, and quite raucous. They were also shy; I couldn't get close enough to take any pictures of them.
After I left there, I returned to the old cemetery on Elm Street, where I took the above pic. This angel has lost one of her wings since the last time I visited, poor thing. I also found the stone with the broken chain carving, which is the same as on the one I sold to that guy for his book cover.