I was tired today after spending a good portion of the weekend outside, walking around, or both. I couldn't complain too much though, because my coworker hadn't gotten to bed until three this morning after driving home from Baltimore. They had gone down for the weekend to see the Red Sox play there. Coincidentally, so did my boss and at least one other coworker. All I have to say is, Go Orioles. *g*
It was a long, mostly boring day, too, which didn't help. At least I had something to look forward to: meeting
justjanus, Johanna, and another covenmate for dinner after work. They'd met at one of my favorite spots, Stanley Park, to do some ritual writing. We had a yummy dinner and lively conversation, and it was funny to be saying good-bye to them knowing that I had a five-minute drive and they had the long haul to get home. Quite the opposite of the usual. I wish I'd been able to spend the afternoon at the park with them, instead of stuck in my cubicle. Ah, well, I have *next* Monday off, and hopefully it will be a nice day. I plan to do all sorts of subversive things, like sleeping late and perhaps going to the movies. I really want to see Stardust, having enjoyed the book.
Started Harry Potter #3 tonight, having remembered to stop at the library on the way home. Off to Hogwarts!