Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I decided to take my b'day day off in a couple of weeks and have a long weekend, so I'm here at the salt mines today. Which is OK, it's kinda fun having everyone wish me a happy birthday. I am such a Leo. *g*
It looks like all my Minnesota friends & relatives are OK, which is a great relief. I spoke with
daurdabla a few minutes ago (that's Rob B. for you folks who know him), and he's going to be here in MA very briefly in a couple of weeks. Yay! If I remind him how long we've known each other, we'll just both feel really old. *g*
So, yeah. I'm not dwelling on the number, but the whole of my life and the wonderful friends & community I have. Thanks, all, for being my friend. :)
ETA D'oh, and happy Lammas/ Lughnasadh to all my Pagan & Wiccan friends!