Sunday wanderings

Dec 18, 2006 11:33

fairy tree
Originally uploaded by LizzieBelle Too.

I finally made it out for a walk yesterday afternoon, and I'm glad I did, as it was quite warm and perfect for walking. I finally got a picture of the Fairy Tree at Stanley Park, which has always resisted being photographed; I just pointed the camera up, and snapped this eerie shot. This is actually a color photo! You can just make out the green in the corner. Click the link to see more, including a few I took last week at Heritage Park, of the geese ice skating. No kidding, that's what it looked like they were doing! There's also one of the lights on the chapel at the cemetery, which at this size looks solid black, but in the larger size looks kinda cool.

Today is just as warm, but it's extra grey and drizzly. It is supposed to be more seasonal later in the week, but it doesn't look as if we'll be having a white Christmas. Which is just as well, since I have a lot of travelling to do over the weekend. It's not usually white at Christmas around here anyway, despite the Norman Rockwell paintings. *g*

winter, weather, pictures

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