Very Happy Entry!

Feb 27, 2003 13:49

I got my car back today!
I got back my wonderful Jetta today after like a month of seperation!
So I can get places now like to and from school and to and from work!

I no longer have to depend on everyone else for rides! I can give other people rides sometimes too now! WHOOHOO!

It looks great it looks better than it did before I had my accident! Too bad its all salty on the road and shit it is seriously making it look all ugly right now! But I am glad there is salt so I don't wreck again!

And here is some other awesomely important news!


Oh my gosh! I can't even believe it guys! I seriously thought I was going to get the stripper! I am so excited that I have this oppurtunity! And its double cast with chloe who is just sooo funny! I am really happy it was double cast! I think it takes away a lot of the pressure. If one of us gets all sick or something week of the show we will have someone there to cover, because without fail every week of show someone gets sick

Lets hope this year is an acception.

its just so strange I got this part! I mean in all ythe past years I have gotten dancer # 3 and gang member # 7
I have gotten cast mainly for vocal balance! This year is going to be so much fun!

The cast all seems awesome so far! And i can't wait to meet all the new freshman and be in a cast again! The last show I did here was forum last year. I was in The Mouse that Roared in Pennsylvania, but I really missed all of you!

Well I am going to get started memorizing my lines ASAP and I already have my song down.

Can't wait till rehersals start!

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