I dreamed a dream

Jul 21, 2009 09:49

This dream was so weird and had so many elements of stuff I love that I had to post it.

I had a dream that I was in the Chorus for Les Mis, but I didn’t know how many parts I was supposed to play. I did steal a piece of bread though. Then I was a nameless midshipman on the Enterprise who missed her children. The last picture I had of them was destroyed in a fire in the engine room. Some sort of top confidential letter was never delivered and I was worried. I was almost the last onto the ship and as we were leaving, Ford Prefect talked to me. “So you’ve seen that Earth is the bad side of the universe. Now let’s get ready to have some fun”. This was weird, because I was already out of the system. Unless I was acting the nameless woman and Ford took me to his space ship. Oh yeah, there were directors all over the place too.

Any comments on what this says about my sanity/psyche would be appreciated

dream, perplexing, star trek

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