We Love the Women Fandom Hates... what day is this again?

Sep 15, 2011 01:18

I planned to go in reverse chronological order, but I couldn't figure out what to write for the cemetery scene or the closet scene, so I got really frustrated and didn't do anything for two days.

Here's a link to the Gertude thread on gileonnen's Big Gay Hamlet Ficathon. There's some amazing stuff there. Actually, you should just read and participate in all of it because that play ROCKS.

I found a little ficlet about Gertrude trying to deal with Hamlet as a child, so I'll post that.

Gertrude doesn’t know what to do with her son - he’s such a strange sad little boy. He speaks to Yorick of worlds and poetry but to his own mother he never says a word. He doesn’t talk of his friends, so most courtiers assume he has none. When he wishes to escape his chores he says he’s going to play with Horatio. Gertrude looks through the archives but none of the nobility has a son of that name. She sighs and indulges Hamlet his imaginary friend because it makes him happy. Hamlet tells his uncle that Horatio is too afraid to approach him. “And so am I,” he adds, before running away as fast as his legs will take him.

I'm open to suggestions if you want three-sentence fic of Gertrude, or any awesome ladies.

hamlet, women fandom hate, shakespeare, awesome shit

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