(no subject)

Jun 09, 2011 08:11

First of all, a meme! (borrowed fromfaorism )

I can only interact with you all through comments (and sometimes gchat). Oftentimes perceptions of who fellow flisters are can become greatly skewed, and I'm curious as to how you think of me. Comment to this post with stuff you remember about me or what comes to mind when you think of me. It could be anything: what I look like, what I like to do, what my handwriting looks like, anything. You can make up stuff too! It's about how I come across, so if you think that I slay dragons when I'm not riding my unicorn, then so be it!

I'm not going to confirm/deny anything in this post itself. Instead, I'm going to wait until I'm sure everyone who wants to comment has and then I'll make a follow-up for the answers. Please don't be afraid to be wrong; I am not one to become offended, so don't worry about that! Also, post the meme to your journal so I can comment about you!

Second off, I've been writing fanfic for Theater of the Absurd plays. Like the one where Rosencrantz actually does wake up dead in a box. Or the one where Didi is really worried about Gogo, who sleeps ALL the time.

Thirdly, I WILL learn to drive this summer. I've waited far too long, and I'm just going to make my dad give me lessons.

meta-fic, awesome shit, meme, real life

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