May 26, 2011 04:02

I’ve been looking through the Awesome Ladies Commentfic Meme from last summer, and found some lovely stuff.
Diamond Child Doctor Who - River Song and her past and DIAMONDS. This is beautifully executed and I love how brilliant she is even as a child.

the road goes ever on and on Doctor Who (R) - BAD WOLF OMG. It’s so creepy, but written in a way that feels so right

Idle Playthings: From the Devil's Mind Simpsons -in which Maggie sits at the edges of the Simpson's lives. PLUS Ling Bouvier is pretty damn awesome.

What Remains Simpsons/Supernatural fusion fic where all the little details that make the show so great are retained, and a follow up. Also, someone was amazing and did fanart for it.
the last bombed city Hamlet - Ophelia/Hamlet, Ophelia/Laertes. Modernish AU in which Ophelia is the prince. And there are pills!

All this killing time Romeo and Juliet - girl!Mercutio as one of the boys only better and just AUGH!

save it for the deathbed Romeo and Juliet - The one where Rosaline and Mercutio are scripted together and then apart

Poppies stretch for days Wizard of Oz - DOROTHY! and zombies. And the Tin Man has a heart.
Take you Wonder by Wonder A Little Princess and Lottie and OMGSARA

And have some more fics I’ve come across in the past few months:

The Ivory Horn Narnia/His Dark Materials - Will Parry and Professor Susan and different worlds and angels

Rome Gattaca - Jerome Morrow and not being real. It’s been a long time since I watched this, but the fic was wonderful and hurt in all the right places

Tacet Harry Potter - post-war Hermione and how words wear her down and everyone dying by degrees. So chilling, but beautiful

Green-Eyed Homer The Simpsons - Homer and Lisa and their daddy/daughter relationship. He’s so sweet in this, and smart in his own way even though he’s really terrified of how smart Lisa is
The Fearless Moral Inventory of Milhouse Van Houten The Simpsons - Milhouse the recovering alcoholic war correspondent
Before the end of all things Hamlet -HAMLET AND OPHELIA AND A STORY THAT WILL BE TOLD AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! And yes, all-caps is necessary

I Know You Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - so perfectly them, only with smut, which is also perfectly them

a (most dreadfully) involuntary sin Anne of Green Gables - Diana and Anne growing up in different directions
Ravens and Writing Desks Alice in Wonderland - Alice, afterwards

The Supper Club The Breakfast Club - where Andy did steroids and Bender’s a cop

Optimist The Breakfast Club - afterwards

i don't have a tag to express my glee, narnia, rainbows and unicorns!, recs, doctor who, shakespeare, awesome shit

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