My life, especially the Doctor Who part of it

Apr 15, 2011 02:40

I've been rewatching Doctor Who with friends to get them all caught up in time for the season premiere. Incidentally, that's on my birthday. Isn't that brilliant? Anyway, they've been seeing the episodes all out of order, and only the ones we thought were most important. General consensus seems to agree that the Ninth Doctor isn't very important, but I don't feel like complaining about that. In order of what we watched the past few days:
The Doctor's Daughter - 4.6
The Unicorn and the Wasp - 4.7
The Sontaran Stratagem - 4.4
The Poisoned Sky - 4.5
Midnight - 4.10
Planet of the Ood - 4.3
The Runaway Bride - 3.X
Tooth and Claw - 2.2
Turn Left - 4.11
Dalek - 1.6
Doomsday - 2.13
The Stolen Earth - 4.12
Journey's End - 4.13
In the words of one of the newbies: "My progression through Doctor Who makes about as much sense as the Doctor's progression through Doctor Who" Anyway, more about that later

I woke up this morning to find out that someone had hacked my email account and spammed pretty much everyone on my contacts list, which wasn't a very good start to the day. I changed my password, so hopefully it's gonna be okay, but still, it was frightening.

Chemistry test tomorrow, and a lab that was actually due today. It took too long for me to understand the concepts, especially since this is our teacher's first time teaching about the pH of salts. Eventually we all figured it out, so I'm finally prepared for this test.

I learned that you should never put hot tea into a metal thermos and then drink directly out of it.

Okay, now that talking about real life is completed, I'm going back to the important stuff, namely Stolen Earth/Journey's End. I forgot how brilliant it was and how sad I got at certain points, like when we thought Martha was vaporized for good, or the Doctor's emotional torture when his companions are revealed to be his soldiers. It made me cry just as much as the first two times I saw these. The Doctor and Rose were running at each other and then he gets shot! I knew it would be okay, but there was still a bit of the "what the hell just happened?" factor.

But the Doctor was a bit of a jerk towards the end. First of all, he still doesn't trust Jack with the teleporting wrist device. Come on, Doctor, he's a grown man and it's not fair of you to keep him grounded forever! But that wasn't really that big of a deal, so whatever.
I'm also upset that he sends Rose back to Pete's World after she spent all that time trying to find him again. And he tells 10.5 that he basically has no right to exist in his universe, since he committed genocide, which is completely unfair, considering he was pretty much a newborn. But I'd be okay with that, that he left her behind with a clone of himself, if he hadn't snuck away while she was kissing him. And I get why Rose and 10.5 belonged together since he can do the one thing the real Doctor never could - which is to grow old with someone. I just think he could have pulled the whole thing off a bit more kindly.
But the one thing I cannot forgive is what he did to Donna. Yes, she had everything that was him inside of her head, and yes, I'm sure it was driving her mad and burning up on the inside, but she understood what was happening to her and begged him not to take all of that away from her. I'm not entirely convinced that he had to take out every trace of him. Surely there was some middle ground he could have found. The important point is that she didn't want to lose everything, but he still effectively mind-raped her. Maybe it would have been better if she had just died. To be fair, I have come to realize that he made a choice out of several wrong choices he had available, but I don't think it was the lesser of two evils. She'll live the rest of her life in the dark and if she starts to wonder, to ask the wrong questions, her family must lie to her to keep her alive. What kind of life is that?

school, doctor who, stupidheads, perplexing

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