Stuff that is cool

Aug 17, 2010 09:04

1) I'm writing this post from my new laptop. It's beautiful and I think it's name is Harold. It looks like a Harold.


Yes, Shakespeare commentfic is still going on. Go forth and Shakespeare!

3) I go to college in six days. I'm almost all packed, but I still need to sort out my books because I can't take all of my lovelies with me. One Hundred Years of Solitude, Midnight's Children, and A Midsummer Night's Dream are non-negotiable, and so are the history books Stephanie lent me.

4) Narnia! I love everyone in it, especially Edmund, who is an utter BAMF. Jadis is nuts, but you guys are probably tired of hearing me complain about her, so I won't.

5) SUPERNATURAL INDUCES CAPSLOCK! SAM BEING DRUNK AND MAKING DEAN PROMISE TO KILL HIM. OH MY GOODNESS! Also, I'm writing a poem in which they are each other's worst weapons. Sorta.

6) I have two playlists - Brotherly Love and Roadtripping. This means I can include fandoms that aren't just Supernatural. For example "White Wedding" is completely and totally about Laertes/Ophelia. It's so sad, but also awesome.

7) That meme everyone else is doing sounds fun so,

Ask me my Top Five Whatevers. Fannish or personal or pointlessly random. And I will answer them either in comments or a new post, possibly with pictures!

This was originally posted at There are
comments there.

supernatural, narnia, awesome shit, meme

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