Narnia thoughts

Aug 07, 2010 18:29

This is just a random brain-fart of ideas I've had while working on my fic

1) In VotDT, the narrator says something like "When I talked to Lucy about it later, she told me..." This is one of the few times he's an actual character with a role. So who is the narrator? Is he Lewis himself? When and where does he get a chance to talk to the Pevensies?

2) What does Jadis do in between The Magician's Nephew and LWW? She's still alive at the end, so what does she do when she's preparing for the Long Winter?

3) Calormenes are called darkies, which just makes my heart break, since CS Lewis is just so much cooler than that most of the time. Although, I did read some of his religious writings a while back and he seemed much more tolerant of other religions and beliefs.

4) What REALLY happens to Susan at the end of LB? Why isn't she a friend of Narnia anymore, or is it something bigger than that? Why does Peter just move on to a new topic of conversation really quickly? It's like he's evading the entire issue. I mean "Oh look, here are some lovely fruit trees"?

5) How many fandoms can this series be crossed over with?

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