Insomnia strikes again!

Aug 06, 2010 23:35

I can't sleep for the life of me. I caught some kind of bug while I was working as a counselor for a whole bunch of three and four year olds, so I was spacey and tired all day. I slept for almost three hours when I got home and not I feel much better... and wide awake. I want to sleep, but I can't.

There are several things I could be doing to take advantage of my wakefulness
1) Work on my crazy-long Jadis!fic
2) Work on my Supernatural fanpoetry
zempasuchil helped me realize what it needed, and now I just need to turn my brainstorming into verse
3) Sort books into stuff to bring to college and stuff to *sob* leave at home
4) Read Stardust so I can finally check it off my list of summer books
5) Watch Supernatural and wish that
zempasuchil were awake so I can liveblog at her She woke up and we watched "Crossroad Blues" I cried
6) Study French
7) Play Omegle and try to find GQMFs No one was playing along, so it got boring pretty fast.

This was originally posted at There are
comments there.

supernatural, narnia, random, real life

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