(no subject)

Aug 02, 2010 22:11

OH SUPERNATURAL! I love these boys and the unhealthily brotherhood they share. It's so sad, but also great fodder for fic. They need each other! They love each other so badly and they'd do absolutely anything to keep the other one safe and by their side, but it won't always end happy and in the back of their minds they're prepared for that.

Also, I'm compiling a playlist for them, and it seems to be two kinds of music. There's the roadtripping songs where they participate in the family business (saving people, hunting things) and there's the OH MY BROTHER songs where they are in LOVE. I hardly know which I like better.

I'm working on my Narnia fic exchange and it's creeping up on being 4K words. It could end pretty much where it is, but there's so much more I want to tell, and if I stop it now it won't really fill the prompt. And there's less than a month left. So do I leave it, and explain that it's a set-up for why certain characters act the way they do, or do I try to finish it in that time? It's my first time doing this exchange and I don't want it to be half-rate. It's Jadis, so I want to do her justice. There are so many missing pieces to the puzzle of her life that I want to lay out. I'm starting to understand her motives so much better than I ever have before, which is both scary but comforting.

supernatural, narnia

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