Fannish and Academic things

Jun 08, 2010 16:56

First of all, I finally saw Prince Caspian last night, and I'm in love with Edmund! I mean, even more than I already was. But now I understand where all of this wonderful fic I've been reading for months comes from! It actually has basis in canon; people didn't just decide that Edmund is a spymaster - he totally and completely IS.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about the battle they had right before Peter fights Miraz. I guess it belongs there and it certainly shows off Edmunds BAMFery, but it made me a bit sad to see Peter and Caspian fighting so much.

On the whole, though, this movie was incredible and I was grinning the whole time at the slashy elements that couldn't possibly have been a mistake.

ALSO! Jadis! And Peter! And Edmund, to quote zempasuchil , "just shanks her from behind but seriously? I bet he would be freaking the fuck out." So this scene TOTALLY validates my weird Jadis/Miraz theory.

I've been inspired by lassiterfics and zempasuchil to read Emile Durkheim's "Elementary Forms of Religious Life" and it's fantastic. I honestly don't know if I like it for itself or because it provides me with another way of looking at Narnia. Because Forms and Foundations by
lassiterfics is the first context in which I became aware of this book.

These are some quotes from "Elementary Forms" that I really love:

"When only the letter of the formulae is considered, these religious beliefs and practices undoubtedly seem disconcerting at times, and one is tempted to attribute them to some kind of deep-rooted error. But one must know how to go underneath the symbol to reality which it represents and which gives it its meaning"

"There are no religions which are false. All are true in their own fashion; all answer, though in different ways, to the given conditions of human existence."

"but how is it possible to find the common foundation of religious life underneath the luxuriant vegetation that covers it?"

"religion has not confined itself to enriching the human intellect, formed beforehand, with a certain number of ideas; it has contributed to forming the intellect itself." BECAUSE RELIGION IS INTEGRAL TO OUR LIVES!

"try to represent what the notion of time would be without the processes with which we divide it, measure it with objective signs, a time which is not a succession of years months weeks days and hours! We cannot conceive of time, except on condition of distinguishing its different moments."

"When we attempt to revolt against it, and to free ourselves from some of these essential ideas, we meet with great resistances. They do not merely depend on us, but they impose themselves upon us." SUSAN!

"More than that, the categories of human thought are never fixed in any one definite form; they are made, unmade and remade incessantly; they change with places and times."

"It is said that an idea is necessary when it imposes itself upon the mind by some sort of virtue of its own, without being accompanied by any proof."

"Outside of us there is public opinion which judges us; but more than that, since society is also represented inside of us, it sets itself against these revolutionary fancies, even inside of ourselves; we have the feeling that we cannot abandon them if our whole thought is not to cease being really human."

Coming soon: a gigantic fic-reccing party of stuff I've found trawling the internet on my day off school

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comments there.

narnia, religion, academia, bible

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