Thoughts About Angels

May 12, 2010 17:03

I've thought alot about angels, not necessarily Supernatural angels, though those are what started my thinking process. And I know Gabriel eventually shows up in the show, but please don't tell me about it because I want to see it for myself.

Do angels pray? The bible tells us that they worship. In fact, that’s all they seem to do these days. If they’re not parading around, strutting their stuff for the glory of God, they’re bowing and covering their eyes in His presence. And while worship is a sort of prayer, it’s not the only one. Angels certainly do not need to perform prayers of petition because they already have the power to take care of themselves.
Are angels the ones who receive the prayers of intercession, or could they be the ones who intercede? Do they send us answers, or have they been sent as answers to our persistent questions?
If they do pray, it would be a desperate, honest, heartbreaking show of penitence, as only a being who is eternally convinced that he is at fault can pray. Like Martin Luther, he seeks the answer to his inadequacy.

Some angels rise to heaven like smoke. Like an eternal question mark, they curl between the faithless believer and their God. And because he is the question, he questions too, and becomes a faithful unbeliever.
The answering angel comes down as a thunderclap and leaves again in a flurry of activity. But he leaves a part of himself behind. The exclamation point he carried like a trident rests on its recipient’s shoulder.
There are three brothers somewhere in heaven who are closer than angels usually are. Sometimes they hold hands and jump. They fall through eternity together, and anyone looking at them would see three stars, stretched out through space like an ellipsis.

Is an angel a message or a messenger? The three men Abraham met could have been either, or they could have been God; it’s never quite clear. Because they call themselves “we” and act all regal and imperial, yet ask for food and dink. They could either be carrying a predetermined message, or they could be a direct channel to God, but again, it’s hard to tell.
So say they are messengers of God like everyone says. Who tells them that God has something they need to deliver? Other messengers? That could get a bit hairy and convoluted. Unless He just sends whichever angel happens to be closest. In that case it’s just a coincidence that Gabriel was the one to tell Mary the news. Alternatively, he was destined to be there for this job, so that’s where he was when the time came.
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supernatural, meta-fic, academia

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