Hey, F-list!

Mar 23, 2010 19:43

There's a whole bunch of fics which I love, but I have no idea who wrote them or where I found them. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help me find them again.

1) Star Trek - Jim's POV about Tarsus IV and Nero, with parallels with apples and some really beautiful language
2) I forget if this was Star Trek or Supernatural - It was either Jim/Bones or Dean/Cas, and one of the lines was something like, "It's not who you were that I came back for. It's you, here and now."
3) Star Trek/Valdemar with Bones as a Healer and Jim as a Herald. I first read it before I started the series, but this fic influenced me to start reading it. Now, I absolutely need it in my life now.
4) Star Trek - Bones/Jim where Jim didn't get smuggled aboard and everyone died. This was a real tearjerker.
5) Star Trek - Chris Pike interviews Winona about the Kelvin and they share dinner.
6) Doctor Who - the kiss comes to late and Rose dies. There were some absolutely lovely echoes of dialogue from the actual show
7) Narnia - all I remember was that it was second person Edmund and Jadis was in there somewhere
8) Star Trek - Jim and Bones die so Spock destroys the entire planet

Also I have one fic of my own almost done and two more fighting for space in my brain. And one of them's original!

supernatural, fic, doctor who, star trek, what the hell brain?

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