Cretin, or, Creation Erased

Sep 10, 2009 07:31

the beginning created the and
empty form       covered the Spirit
moving water saw the light,
divided Evening and morning

Then divide the air
                place some above
                            some below
named Evening and morning

Let the water be dry
“seas produce plants
others produce its own kind”
it happened in them
grew Evening and morning

lights separate





it happened large

rue the day He made the stars.
shine over and over
from the darkness
these things were Evening and morning

Let the water fly
created the moves
thing with its own kind
He also made flies
young number
fill the Evening and morning

fill with kind and wild animals
the crawling likeness
over the fish in the sky
over the tame earth
created in his image
In the image he created.
God bless
have and grow and be
master Rule over and over and over

move on

give all

be food

And it happened

looked at Evening and morning


work rest work

bless the holy rest

erasure, oh dear lord, bible

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