Extended Essay is not Death!!!

Jul 27, 2009 08:54

So i finally finished all the parts of my Extended Essay and got an e-mail back from my teacher saying she will get back to me next week. If you've been reading my occasional rants you know what a good thing this is. So today's a free day and I can actually play on the internet instead of sneaking around and pretending I haven't been.

I saw Romeo and Juliet yesterday. For the third and last time. It was sad that it was their last performance but they were so good. I showed them the sketches I drew and the cast list for A Midsummer Night's Dream and they thought both were well done. They thanked me for coming again and I told them I should be thanking them.
These are the reasons:

1)    Paris was on crutches for this performance. It made his character so much more endearing. When I talked to him later he said they could have either tried to pretend they weren't there or they could use them. They made a good choice. Benvolio kicked them out from under him during the dance and that was wonderful. And later he threw them aside so he could kiss Juliet. She had to look like she didn't care about him but also support his weight. So that was great!
2)    Oh my god, they completely perfected the balcony scene. The blocking was perfect to show that at the beginning, Juliet wasn't actually talking to Romeo; she was talking to herself while he listened. And then when she asked "what satisfaction could you get from me tonight" his face was perfect, like oh shit did I just say that? Their chemistry was so in synch for the entire play, but especially at that scene.
3)    Benvolio and Mercutio!!!! They were both really really cute. I love the banter between them and Romeo; their timing was spot on. And then the scene where they were falling over drunk: oh my god I laughed so hard.Though I'll admit, Mercutio was a bit of a shouter. But we were outside so he had to project alot. And he was cute which makes up for everything.
4)    All of the fight scenes were amazing. They used real swords: how cool is that? The play starts with Benvolio and Tybalt rushing at each other from opposite ends of the stage and yelling. The first time I saw it, i was in the absolute front row and it was so scary. But absolutely awesome, too. And the scene where Mercutio dies. Oh, sob. It was so well acted, I had real tears in my eyes. It's the scene you wait for because he yells out "a plague on both your houses", but then when it's over, you realize that you won't get to see him acting for the rest of the play.
5)    The entire Capulet family! Lord Capulet was a buffoon and his wife was the socialite embarrassed to be seen with him. Juliet was really good at acting the shy fourteen year old girl who could never imagine getting married. Lady Capulet tried to be a good mother, but she was hesitant and wasn't sure what she should say to her teenage daughter. But then that scene where Juliet refuses to wed Paris. It was so real. Lord Capulet was totally sending out angry dad vibes. But you could tell both parents really loved their daughter when she was "dead". And later when she was really dead.
6)    The death scene! Romeo drank the potion and leaned in for one last kiss just as Juliet was waking up. So she leans her arm up to embrace him, but he's already dying. Her being alive is the last thing he sees before he dies. He made this pitiful choking noise in the back of his throat and a wonderful tortured face and then he dies. Seriously, it was the best death I have ever seen. In any play. Ever.

All of the actors were so entirely amazing and I got all of their autographs

extended essay, shakespeare, awesome shit

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