Cedric has an enemy

Aug 19, 2007 15:09

His name is Mangy But Oddly Heavy Cat.

I met him on the street and he told me he was lonely and hadn't eaten in days - he was mangy and had a collar but no tag. I aid hello and carried on my merry way and he followed me up Rossie PLace, along Pitlochry Place, round the corner, down the alley and into the flat. Dismayed, I left the door open but wondered if I should make sure he was ok or maybe feed him. Cedric was not happy. Mangy But Oddly Heavy Cat went into to the kitchen and proceeded to have a long argument with Cedric where he made the oddest noises I have ever heard and Cedric hissed and watched but was generally the strong silent type. I eventually managed to pick up Mangy But Oddly Heavy Cat (hence disciveri78ng the oddly heavy bit)(that 78 was Cedric's contibution sorry). I felt more confident about picking Cedric up but it's his house. I got Mangy But Oddly Heavy Cat out the door but then when I looked out the window he was going into our shed which was open. I went down the stairs to chase him away and Cedric followed, and made himself big and hissed and yowled and Mangy But Oddly Heavy Cat ran away.

I hope he is ok. Cedric and I had a cuddle and a play with his whip to reassure him I loved him and it was his house and his garden.


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