Jan 04, 2017 21:45
My annual 'I like numbers' post. (Although I actually didn't do a separate post last year)
I updated Happy Mondays for 48 weeks out of 52 in 2016 - 29 Mondays, 12 Tuesdays, 4 Wednesdays and 3 Thursdays.
2015: 52 weeks - 45 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays and 2 Wednesdays.
2014: 52 weeks - 41 Mondays, 10 Tuesdays and a Thursday.
2013: 49 weeks - 43 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays and a Wednesday.
2012: 52 Mondays
2011: 52 weeks - 51 Mondays, 1 Tuesday
2010: 46 weeks - 35 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, 3 Wednesday, 1 Saturday, 2 Sunday
2009: 10 updates - 7 Mondays, 1 Wednesday, 1 Friday, 1 Sunday (14 September being the first ever).
I have updated 361 times in the last 416 weeks - ie 351 times in the last 364 weeks, 13 weeks missed in the last 7 years, an average of under 2 missed a year, which isn't bad.
77% of my updates have been on Mondays, 11% on Tuesdays.
This is likely interesting to no-one but me, but then that's mostly why I write them.