Happy Mondays: Looking Up

Apr 04, 2011 22:39


Wow, this is the latest I've updated in a while. It's ok, not missing Monday. This is my 24th consecutive Actual Monday update. My record shall not be broken!

1. Hermione actually passed her MOT. That's mad biscuits. When he rang to tell me I actually thought he was joking. One of the front lights was a bit dark apparently, but her just replaced that with no charge. Hurrah for my pervy mechanic.

2. Finished up all sorts of things at works, basically meaning the final end of the 'crazy 5 weeks' that started in January. Last days at Hearts & Minds, which was marked with goodly amounts of cake. Last day in Stupid Dalkeith, also. That was quite nice actually - it was also one of the main employee's last day, so we all went out for lunch, which colleagues paid for, and one of the ladies bought me a bunch of tulips. I love flowers.

3. Back at Edinburgh Uni today, one day a week. Spent most of the day remembering things like my user name and how to type. It's nice though, I'd forgotten how much I like it there.

4. Final trips through to Glasgow for the MagicF. Saw a comedy debate, which was interesting though very focussed on TV stuff, then a show last night that wasn't quite ready in terms of being a completed show, but was a lovely and quite moving piece, which with extra work could be quite beautiful.

5. Me and Ari went to see that one together, as part of a Day Off. Ari has three assignments due on Friday and the stress was turning her into Crazy Psycho Lady. So we had a big talk about stressy stuff (I have had my fair share of late, too) and had a proper day off. We took a huge long ramble along the water of Leith, stopping for soup in Stockbridge, came home, did some ironing, had a lovely dinner and then went out on the town in Glasgow and saw the abovementioned show. Well worth it and I think we're both feeling much better today. Ari is working like a demon and I believe all her assignments are going to be marvellous. This is her last week of taught classes and then she is into dissertation. I need to make sure I am taking very good care of her, bringing her all the tea and making sure days off like this are a regular occurrence. Then she will take over the world.

6. On Friday, Hazel came and we watched A Room With a View. Lovely film I'd been meaning to rewatch for ages. When I was 12, my English teacher lent me his video of it and I forgot to give it back. The guilt still haunts me.

7. Saturday night we went to Erin's place and watched Get Him to the Greek. I'd heard it was awesome, and for the first half an hour or so it was, but then it got a bit graphic and crazy, before getting a bit better at the end. It felt like a fairly humorous and subtle comedy script had been written, and then the producers said 'great, but it needs more vomiting and humiliation.' Erin then persuaded us to watch 'just the first ten minutes' of Up, despite my protestations that it *wouldn't* be just the first ten minutes because I'd heard Up was good. We watched approximately the first 45 minutes and I spent the whole time bawling like a baby. Even know I can't so much as think about it for fear of welling up. Soon I will have to face the end of the movie. Oy.

8. Am interviewing Tim Minchin on Wednesday. Cool.

9. Oh Ari is doing another spoken word evening thing in the vein of Lovesick, which was on on Valentine's day. This time it is totally being run by her and her MA folks, under the guise of their group Illicit Ink. It is called Faerie Court and is all about evil fairies. Ariadne is compering. She will be much better than the previous compere. Come along.

10. Today I bought fajita ingredients for the two of us for dinner. Then I bumped into Hazel on the way home, then John was around for dinner, so dinner for two became dinner for four (John's fajitas being, in fact, spelt pancakes). We had a fine old time, and played two games of Flux. This is why I am late updating. However, I normally like to be in bed by now so I hope you're grateful.

I think that's most things. This week I will be finishing other work things, going to see Edinburgh-based comedy, starting new Glasgow-based work, but only 1 day a week so not crazycommutesville, celebrating Ari's handing in of her assignments, going to Sketchy's, and many other fine things, I'm sure.

Have a lovely lovely week,


comedy, films, john, happy mondays, skinny, stress, work, ariadne

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