Dec 25, 2006 18:00
Well, it's that time of year again. The time when I'm surrounded by friends and family, basking in the glow of another year well spent. Ok, in all actuality that would be sarcasm up there. My Christmas 2006 was spent in a depressing fog of self-loathing all day. Nice. I woke up and had a drink, went out to lunch with my grandparents at a casino, ate a really crappy turkey dinner at said casino, gambled (because there's nothing guaranteed to make you feel better then gambling on xmas and losing), going upstairs to my mom's hotel room (where she's been confined for the past 3 days because of her health), nearly gagging on the smell of the room and the amount of cigarette smoke pouring out of it (needless to say, her and my grandparents smoke), coming back to my apartment that is full of things I need to do (like laundry, cleaning, dishes, etc.), having to listen to my roommates have happy conversations with their families, having another depressing conversation with my father about how my life is worthless and I'm basically just a big disappointment, and then waddling downstairs to the kitchen to make tuna cassarole and drink the night away before I have to get up and go to work tomorrow. Oh yeah, and not opening one single present. Why you ask? Because there is absolutely no one out there who has any reason to buy me a present other than my family, and we're all poor. So, all in all another banner holiday season for the Jennster. At least I've graduated. However, I'm currently only doing temp work which will run out in the middle of February. After that, who knows? I guess I'll find a job somewhere. And lest ye think this is a pity party, please don't feel bad for me. After I consume lots of alcohol and watch the Christmas Story for the 9th time today, I'll sleep it off and resume my regularly scheduled life. Which isn't too bad if you're 19, but is actually kind of pathetic if you're 31.