Ok, I've been thinking about doing this for some time now. And since it seems quite a few people like my icons so I guess now is the time to open requests. I've never really done them before at my current skill level, although when I was an active member of
HPANA I had a signature/avatar "shop" for a while. Oh geez that was such a long time ago... *wistful*
1. Please, one comment per request and three requests per person.
2. Images or a way to find them are required because it saves time and also I may not be familiar with the series and character(s) you are requesting.
3. Please keep any yaoi PG (mild).
Rules can be changed or added at any time.
~The Form~
Bold text indicates a required field.
1. Please put the URL or link of the image or source of the image you want here.
here2. Do you want your request to be shareable? Sure.
3. Series/Character(s): NANA/ Ginpei
4. Any specific text or theme? Nope.
5. Any main colors? (ie a bluish or sepia tone.) None.
6. Any specific textures? If you have the textures put them here or please link me to a source.
dodoki7. Format? (.jpg, .png, etc.) .png
8. Anything else? ^__^
Note: If you're requesting an icon from a manga scan I'm assuming you want it colored? If not you can say so in your request form.