There's always a teacher's pet

Nov 14, 2006 22:38

You remember the teacher's pet from the fourth grade? The one always doing extra homework and volunteering for all the craptastic tasks and bringing your teacher presents for Christmas?

The nice thing about night classes is that the majority of students are adults and therefore above such behavior. Except apparently not.

We got exams back tonight. Big exams. The hardest exam of the quarter, with all the cellular respiration/photosynthesis/cell signaling and communication/genetics on it. I knew I did badly, mostly because I was sick the week of and had trouble studying and also because I fricken forgot that we could bring an entire page of notes with us. Damn. That hurt.

Anyway, people did so badly the prof gave us an option - take the 10 questions most people missed, answer them correctly and write explanations and get an extra 10 points. Sweet! So we're in line for our exams, and I'm watching her flip through the pile and I start seeing all these grades go by. 39. 46. 62.

And the woman in front of me gets here - with a 95. A ninety-fucking-five. And she says - uh, can I still do the extra point assignment? Or did I do too well?

Oh, I wanted to smack her. I mean, I didn't do terribly but I didn't do great. And there are people that get 39s! And she stood there, giggling, flaunting her fucking 95.

I want to smack her.


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