Jun 14, 2005 12:56
I had this strange, complicated dream last night (or this morning) so I'm writing the important parts down.
There was some sort of conflict going on in society, and myself, my friends and family were a rebel group. Towards the end of the dream, I got shot something like 20 times in the stomach at superclose range, and I was sure I was going to die, but I didn't. My family and friends helped me and we went in two little truck things to this grassy area near a big building. Everyone stayed awhile and they were sorting out what they had to do (they'd have to go into the building disguised as the enemy and try to take over things from the inside out). I knew I couldn't go, because I was all weak and bloody. But they had to go, and I knew it too, and I was ok with it. So they drove off except for Dad and my sister. My sister kind of hung back whilst Dad and I talked. He said I was looking ok, and I lifted my shirt to look at my stomach for the first time and tried to pull out one of the bullets, but it was all squishy and yuck so I figured I'd do them all later when I was alone. We talked more and then Dad got up to go, and then this weird thing happened. This music started playing, and in the dream the sunset looked completely brilliant, and there was a lake nearby which looked beautiful and I was lying in this long smooth swaying grass and that moment just pinpointed how grateful I was to be alive, and how beautiful the world could be. I can remember that picture really clearly in my mind. I was sort of half laughing, half crying in the dream. Then the music faded and I saw Dad leaving and I suddenly felt this despair, I didn't want to be left alone anymore, I didn't even know if anyone I knew would make it out of the place alive or what would become of me, and I called out to him desperately for him to say goodbye just one more time. He turned around.