(no subject)

May 10, 2005 17:42

So yeah, today was pretty sweet. Woke up still feeling fucking tired despite my 8 hours sleep. It's real bad cause when I'm tired I stop caring about lectures >_< BUT I forced myself to get up and go. Good Lizzeh ^___^

So the lecture was decent, we had the crazy pom again and he started the lecture off with a Powerpoint presentation of vomiting sound effects which was rather grand. Guy is the best lecturer though. We've only had him for roughly 1/3 of the time, which sucks.

Martini didn't go to her next class and I had a 3 hour break, so we drove to Penrith and got lunch and bummed round. It was gooood but there's lots of stuff I wanna get now 8( I need money for fun girlie things.

After that I dropped Martini at the station (where apparently she ran into Elleh, so I missed her. sadfaaace) and then I went back to uni. I had an hour before my tute, so I went to see the Psych noticeboard, where in fact THERE WERE NO RESEARCH PARTICIPATION THINGS POSTED. Cranky. But it turned out cool because when I was at the noticeboard I made new friends ^___^ we started talking and then we sat around and chatted for an hour or so and it was quite cool. They are neato. James I had seen around before, I see him in my Psych lectures sometimes and also I've noticed him around a lot before my tute. Turns out his Psych tute is an hour after mine.

And then yeeeah the tute was okay and then the drive home was nice because the sunset was beautiful and I felt happy.

The end ^___^
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