The Binky that ATE THE AUTUMN.

Dec 11, 2008 22:37

I started the "Circle of Friends" blanket from Joelle Hoverson's book "Last Minute Knitted Gifts," on the 18th of September, thinking that I would have plenty of time to finish it before my friend's baby shower on the 18th of October.

Okay, I admit, I am an IDIOT. The pattern, for those of you not in the know, is intended to be divided equally amongst 7 knitty friends and then sewn together. Add to that the fact I made a 1 inch extension to each of the requisite blocks and you end with a big smirky realization that I knitted myself right into a corner.

These ladies also did this blanket, and have posted the results of their work here. I used very different colors in an attempt to subversively imprint a pro-University of Texas mindset on a young baby.

I ran out of yarn in the middle and had to go back to the yarn store. They were missing one of the colors and that had to be mail ordered from Yarn Country.

The aggravation of having them be out of one of the colors caused me to completely space on picking up one of the OTHER colors. When I went back to correct that mistake they were out of that color. So back to Yarn Country I went.

Baby arrived: 8th of November (and she is adorable.)

Binky finished: 15 minutes ago.

I will photograph it. Maybe the new owner will be photographed lounging on it.

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