Green Anaconda! Green Anaconda!

Aug 03, 2008 19:24

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My neck is jammed (and has been for the past 24 hours) in an upright and locked position, so admittedly I have not brought all possible intellectual wattage to bear on this video. I still think it's brilliant (and part of an equally brilliant collection.)


1) It's clearly an experiment aimed at those still in early early childhood. Which is probably why it has spoken to me in such a way. The Iguana movie (linked from this one) is similar. If you lack the patience to watch it all the way through, by the end of minute 1 you've really seen all of it. To get it to stick in your head, though, you have to experience the repetition.

2) By the third time you see the frame, it dawns on you that this snake DOES NOT LAY EGGS. It is a live bearer. This thought is almost as disturbing as the Amazonian toad that shoots its eggs out of its back (witness the hideous and permanently scarring documentary "The Golden Secrets of the River.")

3) What the F is up with the fact that the rodents are wearing masks with the letters 'X' and 'O' on them?

4) If you click seriously into the link, I mean like going to YouTube, into the Description, and into "More Info," you discover that it's all part of a bigger production called, Big Green Rabbi

Big Green Rabbi. Green Anaconda. Iguana? Hello?

Yeah, it's just a bad text limitation. It's really "Big Green Rabbit." However, that still sort of boggles the mind. Just not as much as a big green animated Jewish spiritual leader would.

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