So I get it, the Livejournal people are just trying to help those of us who so very desperately want to post but somehow can't.
However, this is the worst idea I have seen yet.
I will not be sharing gruesome specifics about the best, worst, or otherwise impressive bathrooms I have seen in my life.
I will, however, drop clues just because I'm in that mood.
1) The science center at my high school had not know the gentle loving caress of a good plumber in many many moons by the time I got there. The scalding backhand of a serious scrub brush had been absent twice as long.
They had also, for reasons that had something to do with discouraging drug trafficking, removed the stall doors.
2) Never ever ever forget to lock the door at Spider House. Nor should you ever really let your guard down once the door is locked, because the damn toilet is on a mysterious platform about three inches above the floor and not nailed down.
The fact they have placed 10 altar candles around the bathroom doesn't instill a sense of confidence either.
3) Pease Park is not a place you need to use a restroom.
Just wait until you get home.
I don't care what's happening, just get in your car and go home.
4) Mojo's bathrooms were worth it just for the graffiti.